Therapy FAQs

Are you considering therapy but are not sure what to expect? Do you have questions that will help determine if therapy is right for you? In today’s blog, we will go over several frequently asked questions about therapy to help you feel more comfortable and confident in beginning your journey into therapy. There is notContinue reading “Therapy FAQs”

5 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Day

Integrate these activities into your daily routine to feel more present and focused. We live in a world where we are constantly inundated with information. Living in a digital world has its ups and downs. We have constant access to virtually any information in the palm of our hands.  There are so many ways weContinue reading “5 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Day”

Self-Love is in the Air  

February 2023 It is February, the month of love. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you may be focusing on how to express your love to those closest to you. You may buy gifts and cards or plan a special dinner but how do you show yourself, love? Why is self-love often ignored orContinue reading “Self-Love is in the Air  “

The Power of Mindset: 10 Ways to Change Your Mindset and Add Motivation, Positivity, and Growth to Your Life

Written by: Tracy Wrocklage Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Do you view life as difficult and unfair, or do you see life as an opportunity for self-growth and exploration? Mindset is how you view the world around you. It is also how you view yourself. Do you have aContinue reading “The Power of Mindset: 10 Ways to Change Your Mindset and Add Motivation, Positivity, and Growth to Your Life”